Friday, January 28, 2011

How Long Does A Lumix Camera Take To Charge

Addition to the comic, to hear not exist


waiting mode * off * Here is a mini comic in 2004, created the comic seminar in Erlangen (Then saw my "I-figures" yet another way - I have really been through some styles ...) weapons by the way I draw no more - I'm just not a knack for. . Accordingly, the gun from the previous comic "© Timo"
This small addition of hopefully interesting comic-recycled material is used to bridge until I have time for the comic about my time problem, wait-D * mode on *

Monday, January 24, 2011

Xbox Controller Bluetooth Hack

elections, elections, elections ......... Party!

Dear Student Council (yes, you are the student council, we are the Student Council),

has begun a new year, an old has passed away. Christmas is over, and luckily all geographers proudly wear their new 120Euro outdoor socks Fjällräven. The individuals who have North Face - because it is more expensive and therefore not everybody has.

Since we were from the Student Council in general also snowed over the holidays, we were unfortunately not to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. So all of you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. It can only get better, friends.

first FSR-elections

The elections to the new Student Council from 25 to 27.01. instead. With our "voting booths" on Tuesday and Thursday will be in St. John Allee 19a, on Wednesday in the valley road 35th
On the days in the locust avenue waiting for you in addition to our over-motivated campaign workers also sandwiches and good coffee machine coffee from coffee beans happy. - Finally, probably one reason for the excited feelings or your dedicated campaign workers.

Who has more questions we can also write an email, contact us directly, or simply coming Monday, 17.01. 19:00 stop by the Student Council room and take time to correct such an FSR session.

second Nachabstimmung Semesterticket

Do not worry. This time the thing you can do from home, so no reason to leave the warm room. Since the results of the ballot were not clear, and some student bodies well in errors was (no, we are not to blame this time), has a runoff vote of the Student Council decided to hold the semester ticket. The vote in the period from 24 to 28.01. each take place from 10-18 Clock. For details, visit:

third FSR blog and forum

was here only briefly noted that it also can look in our immermal FSR blog, if there is something new.
And a big request: Please manufactures of your exams - which are indeed virtually on the door - at taking notes, and then carry that the Forum of the FSR. This is a gift to the following semester, and it looks so certainly from time to time before exams to there.
since So thinking about the next generations!
Here again the link to the block and the link to the forum on the blog:
The forum is on something zugespamt , but you will find something.

4th Semesterabschlusspartey

has now noticed now being expected of the last that we are able to send ne party shall be placed on the legs. And next beckons already. Almost as a silver lining to turn after the tests your joy to euphoria and / or frustration in your beer bliss, we are on 10:02 . Evening celebrating our Semesterabschlussfestivität. Exactly when we start, what small delicacies await you.

5th Politics and activism

It whistling the sparrows from the roofs of the this year on 13 February again planned rallies slightly moronic our friends from the right wing. Meaning, do too well in Leipzig on 13/02/2010 again demonstrate Nazis. So keep your eyes and ears for more detailed information open and let them come to us.

6th Book Reviews

Who of you again what else would read as mere literature or Harry Potter, these are the two recommended books.
have both a geographical reference and are probably to be read very well:
The Conquest of Nature: A History of the German landscape (David Blackbourn)

dirt: Why is our civilization loses the ground under the feet (David Montgomery)

7 . Other

a reminder logs you back! The re-registration period runs
the summer semester from 01.12.2010 to 31.01.2011 , the grace period to 15.02 ..