on to Dresden!
The Physios of you will have noticed it sure was crappy for a Months that was - the weather is concerned. So it can only get better and we want you for a couple of supporting information with on their way. whistle
The sparrows from the roofs. At 16:06, so in about two weeks, the major national demonstration against the savings plans of Tillich and Co. Who is not in the know, simply reads under http://www.mehr-wert-sachsen.de/
gradually in the next few days ago informed us and also your daily route is placarded.
It runs a special train from Leipzig and must be full!
second FSR-election postponed
The frantic forward shifted election of the new student representatives but is now indefinitely postponed. But you will search for the best schedule of elections, on the one hand, new Studis the chance to settle down and to stand for election and the term of office be kept to reasonable. It will be fascinating.
third BuFaTa
BuFaTa? BuFaTa! Federal Student Council meeting of the geography of Pentecost was in Dresden and your FSR was the second time. Both diligently working in working groups and spatial limits of the magazine was thinking, draw up a list of Masters Courses for Geos (and much more made), and evening "genetzwerkt", sometimes at Rosie Amüsierlokal, sometimes at the River Elbe and also it otherwise. Information and will soon be a reader there with us!
4th Colloquia
Addiction her interesting lectures in your area? Register now at kolloquiumsfinder.de and equal love. Seriously. In the Wiwis there on a private public partnerships, off we go on Friday afternoon (please look again on the blog, the exact time is not yet fixed) in the institute building on the new campus, more in the attached flyer.
The physical geography has spared no effort to get a real Börner to Leipzig. Zech's come to Leipzig and talk tomorrow 17.15 clock in the GeoWerkstatt of ENSO's finger print on glaciers in the Andes and the carbon cycle during the Pleistocene.
5th Summer Festival of the Faculty
The other institutes of the faculty have again a sumptuous summer party off the ground. A day after the demo it's in the Peace Park for the first round with a volleyball tournament (under the leadership of the sports fan Gipsy Joe, we are still looking for supporters for a Geo-Team) and later with cocktail bar and stainless steel products. The France-hit Mexico is there to see it too. For details and updates on
6th Microsoft licenses
A crazy offer awaits you - the faculty has licenses for Microsoft products (Office, operating systems) purchased at a bargain price and you may have. Just have to pge00xxx@studserv.uni-leipzig.de under your address. There you come
https: / / mail.uni-leipzig.de/portal/imp/login.php
with your password. It's best to address the added equal down at your Outlook or Thunderbird or whatever. Everything else is in the mail is located there.
We are planning a semester party, which will once again correctly Börner, in the week of 19.07. -. 23:07, hold you there once a week free of coarse and move your Transylvanian holiday possibly to the rear. ;)
8th Other
From 17-19. June 2010, the first student conference on sustainability in German speaking countries (D, A, CH) at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Under the title "Generation Sustainability - or after us the deluge?" are students from various disciplines to present and discuss their work and sustainability. Sounds really cool, ride out and check out the at times. Details in the Annex, HSK ... On 5.6. organized by the FSR computer science an information session on the topic of Linux. From 11.00 clock in the interim in the Johannisgasse 26 their best tricks and information received directly from the Nerds. A fine thing!
Stay tuned! World enjoy! your FSR Geo
Sunday, May 30, 2010
John Deere 300 Snowmobile
Shabby Flower Garden - Update
become first of all I would like to show you something from my Flower Garden is. He is not yet finished, but
grown quite a bit. I finished up the middle on the bottom left corner, which I still must fill
with white hexagons. With the border I partly started already (you want to see how `s and that therefore comes out as one might have imagined).
The pictures are not so hot, but I work because the next will be better.
Allen a good time. Until next time.
become first of all I would like to show you something from my Flower Garden is. He is not yet finished, but
grown quite a bit. I finished up the middle on the bottom left corner, which I still must fill
with white hexagons. With the border I partly started already (you want to see how `s and that therefore comes out as one might have imagined).
The pictures are not so hot, but I work because the next will be better.
Allen a good time. Until next time.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
What Is The Least Busy Dmv
makes all things new in May ...
Zeimlich exactly 2 years have passed since my last post.
Manchesmal things happen in life that can not be changed, one can only assume they do
and the best of it. My husband and I have decided to fight and change our lives. We have separated us from many (people and things), some retained and gained many new things. In terms
patchwork, is quilting and other little things here this week on and I'm looking forward to.
soon and all have a good time.
Zeimlich exactly 2 years have passed since my last post.
Manchesmal things happen in life that can not be changed, one can only assume they do
and the best of it. My husband and I have decided to fight and change our lives. We have separated us from many (people and things), some retained and gained many new things. In terms
patchwork, is quilting and other little things here this week on and I'm looking forward to.
soon and all have a good time.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Best Surround Receiver Hdmi
Desire for involvement in the Stura?
The Stura looking for new office holders!
It's that time again, the choice of most departments and offices of two speakers come to an end and the Stura investigated successors!
The tender period for the following offices, the 02 June 2010 and the term of office runs from October 2010 to September 2011.
You can apply for for the following offices:
two speakers
a ReferntIn public relations
a ReferentIn Sports
a ReferentIn sustainable mobility
a ReferentIn for study and committee work
a consultant for Umba Notice
a consultant for Equality and way of life policy *
a consultant for teacher
* Unit occupied Isr equal, there will be an officer searched
More information about the offices and the application's course on the website of the Stura.
... and
special appointment Forschungskolloqium Physical Geography
What? there is a double lecture by Jana and Roland Zech instead
Jana Zech (University of Bern, Switzerland) by - ENSO's fingerprint in the Central Andes Vergletscherungsgeschichte
Roland Zech (Brown University, Rhode Iceland / USA - The Carbon Cycle revisited: from glacial to interglacial
When Monday, 05/31/2010 at 17:15 clock
Where GeoWerkstatt
The Stura looking for new office holders!
It's that time again, the choice of most departments and offices of two speakers come to an end and the Stura investigated successors!
The tender period for the following offices, the 02 June 2010 and the term of office runs from October 2010 to September 2011.
You can apply for for the following offices:
two speakers
a ReferntIn public relations
a secretary for Finance
a ReferentInfür culture
a secretary for ecology a secretary for social affairs a ReferentIn Racial a ReferentIn Sports
a ReferentIn sustainable mobility
a ReferentIn for study and committee work
a consultant for Umba Notice
a consultant for Equality and way of life policy *
a consultant for teacher
* Unit occupied Isr equal, there will be an officer searched
More information about the offices and the application's course on the website of the Stura.
... and
special appointment Forschungskolloqium Physical Geography
What? there is a double lecture by Jana and Roland Zech instead
Jana Zech (University of Bern, Switzerland) by - ENSO's fingerprint in the Central Andes Vergletscherungsgeschichte
Roland Zech (Brown University, Rhode Iceland / USA - The Carbon Cycle revisited: from glacial to interglacial
When Monday, 05/31/2010 at 17:15 clock
Where GeoWerkstatt
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Cineplex Senior Prises
events about events, painted tutors funds and and and ...
first Pecha Kucha on 20 May 2010 For those who do not know: Pecha Kucha is a legendary style of presentation, we have converted to that well-traveled geographers can tell of their experiences in the wide world. You are all cordially invited to your trip or whatever to show a large audience - the joke here: we have only 20 slides and each slide for only 20 seconds - no exceptions. Report to
m.schmidt.lpz @ googlemail.com
b) We still need more supporters, so be again all welcome to participate to get in our AK.
c) On 16.06. (Also in a good month ... the time resting) a large demonstration in front of the parliament in Dresden is scheduled. This is a broad alliance of students, trade unions, social organizations, etc., has closed. The aim is to demonstrate against the current budget freeze and possible cuts for the fiscal years 2011/12.
- ?
m.schmidt.lpz @ googlemail.com
and be heard! The success of last year, "Pecha Kucha Always the east "must simply be topped! Kick off on Thursday, 20.05. At 20:20:20 Clock to the moderators duo Hotte and Totte. After the slide show we are sliding then also clean in the wet and weird Party in the John Allee delicacies. DJ Gypsy with the new system from the FSR Geo
deleted tutors second means what now
..? The sparrows are screaming from the rooftops. The state of Saxony will save and cuts in education. Thus, by decision of the Ministry of the tutors funds continued throughout Saxony and the faculty has no funds to support our field trips financially. That we can not countenance.
a) you are called to us to be creative PHOTOS / IMAGES / GRAPHICS for posters to come, bring your opinion, the reductions and eliminations of the tutorials / excursions etc. succinctly. Your creativity knows no bounds. We decided against AK in a single location, as all student bodies are affected in different ways and all should feel concerned. You may also like to create a full poster and hang it in your institutions. The idea is to raise awareness and to show that tutorials are essential.
your ideas and their implementation, we need before our next AK next Wednesday (12.05. 15 Clock). c) On 16.06. (Also in a good month ... the time resting) a large demonstration in front of the parliament in Dresden is scheduled. This is a broad alliance of students, trade unions, social organizations, etc., has closed. The aim is to demonstrate against the current budget freeze and possible cuts for the fiscal years 2011/12.
... so act, as you studied only once (usually ...).
third GIS survey
please contribute to the survey tinyurl.com/3yz87rw that has created a student at our institute and aims to capture your views on the subject of GIS at the Institute. We sincerely like to thank Paul for his efforts.
is soon back Campusfest (9th-10.06). In www.stura.uni-leipzig.de/campusfest.html there is very much in advance some info. If you like sports and want to open up a team which then hits the campus hard in all kinds of sports with others, here is the link: www.stura.uni-leipzig.de/anmeldung-campuscup.html If you need support, writes us.
silk and uncomfortable skin to the root table!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Groping Women On Trains Movies
lectures in summer semester
times here for you an overview of what, when and where this term is present in lectures:
Leipzig Geography Colloquium Geographical Society in Leipzig
May 11, 2010 - Bulgaria - between the Mafia, myths and Mitgliefschaft in the EU (Speaker: Christian hostage Mann (Leipzig))
Jun 01, 2010 - Cities in the Global Climate walls. How is the greenhouse effect will affect the climate of cities. (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kuttler (food)) Jun 22, 2010 - Is the energy use of grassland sustainable? (Dr. Volker Stelzer (Karlsruhe))
Physical-geographic Research Colloquium Leipzig
May 05, 2010 - periglacial genesis and structure of coatings on carbonate rocks of the Muschelkalk (eastern Thuringia Basin) (Speaker: Heike Bullmann) 19th May 2010 - OSL dating of Late Pleistocene sediments of the central and the Rhine - new findings on Quartärstratigraphie (Speaker: Tobias Lauer)
02 June 2010 - Reconstruction and geo-ecological assessment of the Holocene landscape development on the example of Cracow Lößgebietes with special reference the spatially and temporally differentiated human-environment interaction (Speaker: Ronny Schmidt)
09/06/2010 Geoarchaeological studies in the vicinity of Leipzig (Speaker: Birgit Schneider & Christian Tinapp)
06/16/2010 Land use and forest fragmentation in the area of the Atlantic coastal rain forest of Rio de Janeiro (Speaker: Dietmat Sattler)
Jun 23, 2010 - Recent fluvial-morphodynamic processes in the foothills of the Organ Mountains, Rio de Janeiro (Speaker: André Kirchner) 30.06.2010 - carbon storage or release of C- ? Follow the restoration drained bogs in the Upper West Erzgebirge (Speaker: Anett Kruger)
07/07/2010 - Geoarchaeological Findings on the medieval Main-Danube Canal (Karlsgraben, Fossa Carolina) (Speaker: Stefan Berg-Hobohm, Brittany Kopecky-Hermann, Katharina Schnabl, Christoph Zielhofer)
times here for you an overview of what, when and where this term is present in lectures:
01.Juni.2010 - landscape relations and contingencies. Thoughts on (radical) constructivist theory landscape (Speaker: Dr. Heike Egner (Mainz), location: IFG)
06.Juli.2010 - Geography of Thought (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Benedikt Korf (Zurich), location: IfL)
Jun 01, 2010 - Cities in the Global Climate walls. How is the greenhouse effect will affect the climate of cities. (Speaker: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kuttler (food)) Jun 22, 2010 - Is the energy use of grassland sustainable? (Dr. Volker Stelzer (Karlsruhe))
Physical-geographic Research Colloquium Leipzig
May 05, 2010 - periglacial genesis and structure of coatings on carbonate rocks of the Muschelkalk (eastern Thuringia Basin) (Speaker: Heike Bullmann) 19th May 2010 - OSL dating of Late Pleistocene sediments of the central and the Rhine - new findings on Quartärstratigraphie (Speaker: Tobias Lauer)
02 June 2010 - Reconstruction and geo-ecological assessment of the Holocene landscape development on the example of Cracow Lößgebietes with special reference the spatially and temporally differentiated human-environment interaction (Speaker: Ronny Schmidt)
09/06/2010 Geoarchaeological studies in the vicinity of Leipzig (Speaker: Birgit Schneider & Christian Tinapp)
06/16/2010 Land use and forest fragmentation in the area of the Atlantic coastal rain forest of Rio de Janeiro (Speaker: Dietmat Sattler)
Jun 23, 2010 - Recent fluvial-morphodynamic processes in the foothills of the Organ Mountains, Rio de Janeiro (Speaker: André Kirchner) 30.06.2010 - carbon storage or release of C- ? Follow the restoration drained bogs in the Upper West Erzgebirge (Speaker: Anett Kruger)
07/07/2010 - Geoarchaeological Findings on the medieval Main-Danube Canal (Karlsgraben, Fossa Carolina) (Speaker: Stefan Berg-Hobohm, Brittany Kopecky-Hermann, Katharina Schnabl, Christoph Zielhofer)
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